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Getting Started

Line In The Sand

The initial step in my "Line In The Sand" process gives you a unique look at your parenting style to help you see how your self-awareness may be working for or against you as you raise your kids.                                                                                                This process offers an eye-opening insight into what stops you from the inside, and what supports you, and will be the beginning of being able to shift those things to get the results you want.    


In addition to the process, this package includes a review session to go over the results and define your family roadmap.

 Please contact for pricing

Parent Blueprint Day

When was the last time you spent a day, uninterrupted, with a parenting expert working through your frustrations?

Imagine accelerating through your worries in just one day. Overcome months of frustration and begin to strengthen yourself and your family at a whole new level. This is the power of a Parent Blueprint Day.                                                       

This Intensive Day gives you months of coaching in one day-long session that reveals the issues holding you back from taking your family chaos to calm. You will leave with new energy and focus to begin creating new family dynamics.                        

Please contact for pricing 

Deep Dive Experience

This 6 or 12 or Month Program Includes: 

  • Bi-Weekly sessions, over the phone or video. Each session is 50 minutes. Just the right combination of diving deep and maneuvering through the day-to-day frustrations.

  • Unlimited text support in between sessions.

  • Accountability. A bonus to having a coach is that you are no longer solving everything on your own… you have someone to walk through it with, and then discover you can do it on your own.



Please contact for pricing

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